Tailwind CSS & React Statistics Blocks - Material Tailwind PRO

Numbers and stats are always great to use for demonstrating something. This way, the stats blocks are very useful when trying to build the users' trust.

Default Stats Block

Free Block

In this statistics block example, the use of large, bold numbers immediately draws the eye, allowing for quick comprehension of key statistics.

Stats Block with Description

This Tailwind CSS Stats block shows important numbers, like an increase in users, a drop in churn rate, faster development time, and money raised. It highlights the success and impact of the service and invites users to learn more through a button.

Card Stats

Use this block example of cards with stats and company logos to represent the evolution of a company or product.

Dark Stats Block 1

Try this stats block example coded with Tailwind CSS to add a touch of elegance thanks to its dark design.

Dark Stats Block 2

Use this stats block with dark design, four types of statistics, headline, and description.

Stats with Icons

Use this minimalist stats block example with all statistics presented in a uniform style, with the number highlighted at the top and the descriptor below.

Stats Block with Left Centered Headline

In this example, the design is stark, using only black text on a white background, and each statistic is given ample space to stand out, reinforcing the minimalistic approach

Simple Stats Block

Use these simple and straightforward statistics examples for your website project!

Simple Stats Block with Titles

The design is clean with a black-on-white color scheme that aids in readability and user focus. The block contains a headline, description, tag, and statistics with title.

Stats Block with Description

Let the users know what stats describe the company with this beautiful block build for React and Tailwind CSS.