Tailwind CSS & React 404 Error Pages - Material Tailwind PRO

Explore our 404 and 500 error pages that will help you provide a good user experience even in the case of an error. Use the error pages to offer helpful alternatives, turning a potentially negative experience into a positive one.

Simple 404 Error with Icon

Free Block

Use this free Tailwind CSS error page to redirect the users on the website using the CTA button.

404 Error with Icon Links

Let the users access other pages on your website if they encounter a 404 error page with this beautiful block.

404 Error Example with Tags

This error page lets your users access other pages using the tags.

Error 404 with Emoji

Add personality to your 404 error page with this block example.

500 Error with Background Image

Use this beautiful example of 500 Error page if you want to add an image on the background.

500 Error with CTA

Try this 500 error page if you want to let the users contact your support team.

Minimalist 500 Error

Use this simple example of a 500 error notification to your website.