Tailwind CSS & React Blog Template - Material Tailwind PRO

The blog is very important for the search engine optimization strategy; its design must attract the users and display the content right. See below our beautiful examples of blog sections built with Tailwind CSS and React.

Blog Template with Image Filter

Free Block

Try this beautiful block example with headline, description, and three cards which include title, description, background image, and filter.

Subscribe to Newsletter Block

Free Block

Try for free our dark subscribe to newsletter section!

Two Columns Blog Template

Here is an example of a Tailwind CSS block featuring two columns of cards, suitable for booking websites or blogs.

Blog Post Template

Add this blog post section to your website to get started easier using Tailwind CSS and React.

Articles Preview Block

Use this articles preview with call-to-action as a teaser for a longer article. Copy-paste this block to your project.

Simple Blog Content Block

In the example below, each card represents a distinct piece of information, featuring an image, a title, a brief description, and some additional details like author attribution and the post date.

Large Blog Post Preview

The layout presented in the block below is a combination of image and text, typically used for featured articles, blog posts, or news items on a website. The large image draws the viewer's attention.

Large Blog Post Preview 2

Similar to the previous block example, this section is a large article preview, with the image placed on the right side.

Blog Post with Image on the Left

Use our template example to create the user interface for your blog articles.

Dark Blog Posts Preview

Use this articles preview block that comes with dark design to add an elegance note to your UI.

Light Blog Posts Preview

If you prefer a light design, use this blog block example with CTA buttons.

Article Presentation Template

This block features a layout designed for storytelling or presenting articles, with a strong visual element to capture interest.

Highlighted Blog Posts Block

This UI section is used to highlight featured articles, blog entries, services, or categories on a platform, enticing users to explore various topics.

Blog Post Preview with Tags

This example is perfect if you want to emphasize the blog post's categories.

Blog Section with Rectangular Images

Try this articles collection block with rectangular images.

Blog Section with Cards Layout

Use this versatile blog section example that includes cards for each blog post with a suggestive image, title, description, author, publication date, and category of the blog post.