Tailwind CSS & React Banner Examples - Material Tailwind PRO

Banners are attention-grabbing elements strategically placed within an interface to convey important messages, notifications, or calls to action. They serve as visual cues, guiding users toward specific actions or information while ensuring minimal disruption to their overall experience.

Simple Banner with CTA Button

Free Block

Use this free Tailwind CSS banner example to notify users about news, offers, or updates.

Banner with Links

This banner includes a clickable link to encourage user interaction, leading to a specific action like updating software, viewing a new feature, or accessing a new service. The banner is also dismissible and you can choose between the dark and light design versions.

Banner with Logo

Use this dismissible banner example if you want to include a company logo and a call-to-action button.

Banner with Icon

Try Material Tailwind's banner example that comes with a representative icon, a primary, and secondary button.

Banner with Title and Description

Add a title to your banner with this Tailwind CSS example. Copy-paste the code directly to your project!

Simple Banner

Below you can find four variants of banners which include call-to-action buttons and text. Choose your favorite one.

Basic Banner

Use this dismissible banner example if you want to include a company logo and a call-to-action button.